In the mid ’80’s I shared a beach house with a few friends one of which was Paul Michaels, current worldwide president of M&M Mars says Brent David, president of Sarasota’s CRE8EGY. Paul was a brilliant marketing mind and a movie fanatic. One day we were talking about films and he told me how he would often leave his busy office (then with J&J) to go to the movies. I thought this was strange. How can a busy senior level marketing guy find the time to “relax” at the movies. He said it was work and that he always made the time to see at least 3 new movies at the cinema each week. He explained it simple. He said,
“what happens on the screen today, happens in life 6 months from today. Look at some of the major influences that landmark films have had on modern culture, product development, and overall product sales”.
Just think about Top Gun, with Tom Cruise and how it generated record sales for Ray Ban Aviators, bomber jackets, and ninja style motorcycles. I can think of hundreds of others === E.T. and Reeses, MIB and Ray Bans, and more and more and more. Great now so great films often have a profound affect on our attitudes and actions. They can spur new industry, new careers, and new fashion trends. They possibly are the greatest influencer of modern culture hat exists today.
Paul was an extremely savvy marketer and his words have done me well over the years. On average, for the last 15 years I have seen a minimum of 4 new movies a week. It is how I spend every friday morning. I am always there for the 10:00 am matinee, no matter where in the world I am. I have seen the good, the bad and the ugly. But each has helped me in my ability to develop creative insights, marketing strategy, and innovative new ways to go to market or present a new idea.
In today’s “work to hard” work environment, people often forget that inspiration is required to achieve breakthrough thinking. Next time you need some inspiration head on down to your local cinema, grab some popcorn and a coke, and let the inspiration begin.
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