Since “Stucky” our brand ambassador of our Sarasota Advertising Agency is an octopus, we decided we needed to educate the public about some of the amazing facts about this truly intelligent and remarkable creature.
1. The preferred plural of “Octopus” is “Octopuses” by cephalopod and octopus lovers.
2. Octopuses are considered the earth’s most intelligent invertebrate. They are also very dexterous, and can be taught to unscrew the lid to a jar to get food inside!
3. Due to having no bones and being an invertebrate, a Giant Pacific Octopus can fit through a 2 inch hole (which is the size of its beak or mouth).
4. Octopuses are masters of camouflage-not only can they match the pattern of the background they are on, but they can change texture too.
5. Octopuses have 3 hearts and blue blood.
6. A octopus not only feels with the suckers on its 8 arms, but it also tastes with its suckers too!
7. An octopus’ 8 arms move independently of its brain.
8. Most species of octopus are nocturnal (sleep during day, active at night) but some species like the Day Octopus (Octopus cyanea are awake during the day.
9. The largest octopus on record was a Giant Pacific Octopus that weighed 600 pounds and was 30 foot wide.
10. There are 300 species of octopuses ocean-wide.
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